What is Read-O-Vision?
We are a maker of unmanned nuclear submarines, tactical assault weapons, and combat ready robots. Just kidding! We make really stupid books for spooky adults who hate reading unless there are pictures.
What kinds of books does Read-O-Vision publish?
We specialize in illustrated horror comedy and bizarre alternative fiction. We also dabble in macabre non-fiction. So, spooky books.
Does Read-O-Vision use AI to write and illustrate books?
Fuck, no! No AI is used in the creation of our books. The text and images were made by humans using computers, not the other way around. At Read-O-Vision, we believe in creative people and support the advancement of humanity through organic storytelling. Suck it, robots!
Is Read-O-Vision accepting manuscript submissions?
The short answer is eventually. The long answer is that we are a small boutique publisher barely keeping our shit together as we grow, and our plates are overflowing with exciting in-progress projects from our vast stable of brilliant Read-O-Visionaries. We aim to open up for outside submissions around Fall 2024, and we will post a link and submission guidelines on our website when we do.
Does Read-O-Vision accept art, illustration, or cartoon submissions?
Soon! We have a passion for pages with plenty of pictures. We can’t wait to see your art! And that goes double for cartoonists! When we open up for outside submissions, hopefully around Fall 2024, we will post a link and guidelines on our website.
Is Read-O-Vision on social media?
Not really. By that we mean we are, but rarely ever post anything. We are far too busy writing books to dick around with making memes.
Does Read-O-Vision have a mailing address?
Mail? For us?! How sweet of you! Send your tasteful nudes to:
Read-O-Vision, 6450 Sunset Blvd #1107, Hollywood, CA 90028
What is the best way to find out about Read-O-Vision sales and new releases?
Keep our website open in a separate tab and frantically check it ten to twenty times a day. But seriously, we have a newsletter. Sign up below.